Paper Lamp, Interior Design

Freshman year of design school at CMU helped me develop sensitivity for craft, form, and function in all things. This paper lamp is geometric and was fun to make. The sides are open to experimentation. The main objective of design in this project was to create a lamp that functioned in both the on and off state. I took this to mean that it should change character in some way. The darkest cracks when off become the brightest when lit. The design of the lamp was really an outlet for an obsession with paper planes that dates back to preschool. During the design process I became enamored with scoring and folding bristol into these architectural forms. The design of the lamp had to be based around a generic IKEA socket and cord. Being able to replace the lightbulb was another design constraint. I made the bulb accessible through a hatch that fit into the design language of the lamp. A detail of the thin lines from where scores were cut. I also enjoy how the light is cast in many different directions. It is a pleasure to investigate in depth. I first constructed a paper cube frame and began to design different faces. This allowed me to replace them as I got a better sense of the overall flow of the folds.